Blog Journal #3

1.) The words copyright and fair use can mean many different things to many different people. To creators, it means using certain songs or antics in their videos or blog posts, or whatever it may be, and having to get permission to use them. For academics, it means not stealing other people's work. In all cases, laws and regulations about copyright and fair use have to do with preserving the originality of people's work. 

2.) In this day in age, I would say that academic dishonest has become somewhat of a fad or "thing to do", and has become less and less serious. As technology progresses, it has become harder and harder for teachers and professors to keep track of academic dishonesty. It is also a tricky situation with student privacy. How would one be able to monitor a student if they are working in their home? Students are also entitled to privacy rights that may interfere with the monitoring of their online activity during school. 

3.) Through the newsletter design, I learned to organize the information I wanted to share with my class in an organized way. I definitely could get better at using graphics and getting better at using Canva. I think I could use this in the future as a way to share information with parents and students without wasting paper and sending it out electronically. I think newsletters are a good way of organizing information and getting the information sent out to a large group of people. 
