Blog Post #4

1.) LAFS.1112.W.3.8 - This standard is asking teachers to incorporate technologies as a way to access sources and use the proper method of citation to enhance the student's work by either supporting their claim or refuting it. I feel prepared to implement this because it is something that I have to do and I have experienced this. I think that technology is becoming more and more prevalent in secondary school and students will have to learn how to implement sources from technology into their work eventually  

2.) LAFS.1112.RL.1.2 - I would use this in my classroom because the standard states that the students would be determining between multiple texts their development and how they complement each other. I think this is a useful skill because multiple texts reference each other, and to know the allusions of a piece of work is important to know the meaning of the text that you are reading. I would use this in the classroom by using two texts that the class read before and having them have a discussion about it in class. 

3.) It is important to know how to search the internet well, because the more specific you can be, the more specific your results will be. Also, if you search well you spend less time trying to find the information you want. I will be using the skill of incorporating online articles and texts in my papers in the proper citation method. 
